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About imageAbout imageAbout image
Anthony Sidney George Photiadis

B.A. (Griffith), B. Econ (UQ), LLB, Grad Dip PLT, LLM, (QUT) SA Fin., Com. Dec. 
Nationally Accredited Mediator
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
Solicitor of the Supreme Court Queensland 
Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
Senior Associate Financial Services Institute of Australasia

Have extensive experience in negotiation, having worked in Credit Management Lending, Investments and Economics and Industrial Relations.
Extensive Experience on rental matters from both Lessee and Lessor aspects.

Memberships and Associations

Professional Member  Resolution Institute 
Member Australian Mediation Association

Member Queensland Law Society
Senior Associate Financial Services Institute of Australia
Associate  Member of The Economic Society of Australia
Member Caxton Legal Centre
Member Hellenic Australian Lawyers Association
Member Deans Society BEL Faculty University of Queensland
Member Law Council Australia

Short Biography

After spending a number of years in Finance and Economics, I shifted into Law in 2011 and Mediation in 2017 where I would use my previous experiences not only in financial matters but also in Management and administration  to help people reach mutually acceptable decisions. This is particularly evident in Mediation where I can hope to get the parties together to resolve their disputes painlessly and even end up friends . And often that is true with the upshot being satisfaction for the parties as well as the mediator..